❗ If your subscription was purchased via our website, please check this article instead: How to get a refund if you subscribed on our website
How to get a refund
If you purchased your subscription within 48 hours:
You may be able to get a refund directly from Google Play depending on the details of the purchase. Follow these instructions.
After 48 hours:
1. First of all, please prepare your Google Play order number. When you make a purchase via Google Play, they send you a confirmation email. The order number (GPA) can be found there. It will begin with "GPA" followed by a series of numbers, such as GPA.1234-1234-1234-12345.
2. Please submit a new request to our support team and provide your order number in the message.
Please also include the following information, if possible:
- Your UserID from the Simple app;
- The email you used for signing up;
- Date and time of the charge;
- Transaction ID (if you paid via PayPal);
- Last four digits of your card (if you used your credit card).
3. The team will get back to you as soon as they're available. They'll be happy to help! 🍃